
Picognizer: A JavaScript Library for Detecting and Recognizing Synthesized Sounds

Source code available at GitHub: https://github.com/qurihara/picognizer

Picognizer is the 100% JavaScript library for detecting synthesized sounds (e.g. sound effects of video games, replayed speech or music, and sound alerts of home appliances). You can run it on your web browser without any server-side systems.

Browser example (works best with Firefox on PC/Mac/Android)


This example can detect a famous sound effect of getting a coin in Super Mario Brothers. Press "Picognize" button and add permission of using your mic. With "play" button you can play the target sound as an emulation. The browser's background turnes red when the sound is detected. With "fire" button you can check what will happen after detection. Change the slider bar to adjust the threshold.

You can execute any JavaScript code on detection.Refer to https://github.com/qurihara/picognizer/blob/gh-pages/scripts/bg_red.js as an example.The setup() funciton is executed only once when the page is loaded.The onfire() function is executed for each detection.

Node.js example with beefy

The current implementation of Picognizer is web-oriented. However you can also introduce Picognizer with Node.js coding style using beefy[https://www.npmjs.com/package/beefy].

npm i beefy browserify -g beefy node_beefy_example.js --live --open 

Then a browser opens to run the example. If you don't use Firefox as your default browser, reopen the page with Firefox.

See node_beefy_example.js for checking up the actual coding mannar.

How to code

// for web browser 
var Pico = require('picognizer'); 
// for Node.js/beefy 
//var Meyda = require("./lib/meyda.min"); 
//var Pico = require('./picognizer');  

var P = new Pico;  

option = {   
  bufferSize:Math.pow(2, 10), // fft size (defalt: automatic)   
  windowFunc:"hamming", // window function (default: hamming) 
  feature:["mfcc"], // features (default: ["powerSpectrum"])
   mode:"direct",  // method for recognition (default: direct)
   inputType:"audio", // if you input audio without using mic (default: mic)
   bgm:"input_audio_name", // filename of input audio without using mic 
   framesec:0.1,  // seconds for a feature extraction (default: 0.02) 
  duration:1.0, // seconds for cost calculation (default: 1.0) 
  slice:[0,1.0] // slice time[s] for recognition feature, slice[0] is start and slice[1] is end
P.init(option); //set parameter  
P.oncost('url_for_audiofilename.mp3', function(cost){
   // do something with cost

Please see meyda wiki for parameters (bufferSize, windowFunc, feature) on features since meyda is used for feature extraction.